Do Renewal Promo Codes Still Exist?

Renewal Coupons for Godaddy? A couple of years ago, a seismic shift started to happen for customers of the world’s largest domain registrar. Renewal coupons, unlike a regular set of godaddy coupon codes, where you could save 10%-20% off your upcoming hosting or domain name renewal, started to expire. And there didn’t seem to be anymore coming to replace them. Popular forums like, which had dedicated threads to GoDaddy’s ever-evolving list of coupons, were suddenly flooded with customer requests for codes that will still work for renewals. And no one could find anything.  Is The Only Reason to Be a GoDaddy Customer is Gone? Of course the company staked its claim as the largest domain and hosting company in the world mainly because of deals like this: it provided a low barrier of entry for many people looking to start websites for their business in the early-aughts. You could…

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